Possessed by Their Powers Read online

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  “Mary, stop.” Emma glowered at her before petting my head protectively. “Tyler probably doesn’t hate you. You probably just made him get overprotective and weirdly aggressive. My brothers were all like that with their wife before they settled down.”

  “Again, how much did you pay to get like that potion?” Mary stared somewhat impolitely at my small, decorative wings. “Surely, not more than fifty bucks?”

  “One-million-dollars,” I whispered, barely able to believe I had agreed to pay back that kind of money.

  “One-million-dollars?!” Now Emma looked concerned and overprotective. “For a single potion?”

  “He said I could do it in installments, Embry did, but now it doesn’t even seem worth it!” More tears began to flow. “I don’t even have Tyler!”

  Quietly, without asking my permission, Mary got up from her seat by Emma and lifted her hands up to me. She moved like she was searching for something. Trying to confirm something. Her intensity made me nervous, but whatever she’d been looking for, she found.

  “I’ve got some more bad news for you,” she said dryly. “For a million-dollar potion, that baby’s permanent. So if you were hoping that it would wear off, you’re fresh out of luck. In this and in love, apparently.”

  Now I felt like I was going to pass out for real. “Permanent?” I felt the world spin around me. “You mean, I am stuck this way? I’m stuck being this big, with wings that don’t work?”

  Emma had to grab onto me before I collapsed on top of their deck. Now I was caught between hyperventilating and sobbing my brains out.

  “What am I going to do? What am I going to do now? Now I don’t have the man of my dreams, and I’m not going to be able to fit in my parents’ treehouse! I’m not gonna be able to live like the rest of the sprites! And on top of that, I’m going to be in debt for a million dollars for the rest of my life, and everyone else in Love’s Hollow is going to know!”

  Emma eased me down on the seat she’d been using. “Take a deep breath,” she advised me.

  “Why? I’ll just die right now,” I cried.

  “Because hyperventilating and sobbing is not going to pay the debt or do anything useful,” replied Mary. She took a dry sip of her wine. “I have an easy way that you could get out of debt to that Embry of yours. But it’s only going to work if you get your head on straight, and you have enough composure to go somewhere fancy.”

  Listening to Mary talk to me, I gradually lost my scrambled, anxious mind. My eyes dried up, and after a few moments, I was actually eager to hear what solutions she might have.

  “I’d like to pay off my debt,” I answered. “But it’s got to be reasonable. I don’t want to get myself in any more trouble than I already am in.” And to think this all happened while my parents trusted me to be alone at the house for a weekend.

  “I work as a waitress at the Black Diamond Club,” Mary explained. She drained her glass. “Sometimes the club holds auctions. Lots of young women have participated in them to clear debts in Love’s Hollow. I’m sure you would find similar success.”

  “Women? Auctioning themselves to whom?”

  “Wealthy, mysterious patrons. Other supernatural creatures mostly, but most of the men end up paying a high price for virgins. I would assume you are one, being that you were brave enough to take a potion to get with a guy.” Mary smiled at me, and I couldn’t tell if it was with disdain or admiration.

  “They can auction whatever they like,” added Emma, comfortingly. “Some offer their bodies. A wide range of sexual experiences, while others auction off their company.” She hugged me. “Whatever the women decide, I’ve heard that it sells for whatever bid the woman determines is acceptable.”

  “Though I don’t have to tell you that sex sells more than company,” added Mary. “If you’re a virgin, you need to capitalize on that.”

  “But I don’t want anything bad happening. I don’t want to end up in the clutches of some skeevy guy.” I shuddered, just thinking about it.

  “Jorin, the vampire who runs the club, is a good guy. He checks out the patrons who participate in his auctions, and his lover, Sylvan, makes sure that they treat the women well after purchasing their services.” Emma smiled, drying my cheeks. “Their reputation matters a lot to them, so rest assured—you’re going to be in good hands.”

  “You still have to be brave,” said Mary, “but if you’re brave enough to chug a potion given to you by a family like the Grayfurs, I think you’re brave enough to auction yourself.” She took me away from Emma. “Come on. I have to go there for my shift anyway this evening, so why don’t you ride with me and get yourself signed up.” She led me down the stairs of the elevated deck. “You might not get the man you were hoping for, but at least you can clear debts. In this town, sometimes that’s the best you can do.”

  I didn’t like the idea of giving myself to anyone but Tyler and or Embry, but at this point, it couldn’t be helped. I had to do something about the money I owed. Matters of love and partnership would have to wait until I had cleared my name—my family’s—of my a million-dollar stunt.

  Chapter Nine


  “I’m sick of this,” I said, finally getting up from the floor after catching my breath, “If you’re not going to back down from your position about Aurora, then neither am I. I’m going to go out there and find her. I’m going to fix this bullshit you got us into, and then I’m taking her as my mate.”

  “Not unless I find her first,” Embry answered, running with me toward the front door. Almost instantaneously, we both shifted into wolf form, trying to push each other out of the way.

  Like I’m gonna let that happen without a fight, I answered, snarling. I used all of my weight to shove him away from the door and try to squeeze through, but he grabbed me by my back leg with his fangs.

  Older brothers first, he snapped and tugged. I slid back some, but not enough to give Embry the edge he looked for.

  “Older brother” my ass! I pulled myself away from his grip on my leg. I was the first one to make contact with her! I have the bond with her, brother! Not you! If anyone’s going to go to Aurora’s rescue, it’s me!

  I’m the one who gave her the potion! If anyone should be taking responsibility for the beautiful, rare creatures she’s turned into now, it’s me! Saying this, Embry pushed into me, trying to shoulder his way out the front door. I blocked him, shoving him right back.

  This isn’t about you and turning her into another one of your playthings! Your indebted customers! I love her! You just wanted to get her on the string for some coin! I barked, then growled low and long. Now let me go! Let me get out of this fucking house and go find her so I can make it right!

  I’m not letting you go without doing that myself!

  My brother and I were locked in a vicious, scrambling stalemate. We both tried to squeeze ourselves out the door first. We fought and strained to gain an edge, and finally, I managed to escape the binds of the front door—quickly followed by Embry, but I was beyond caring.

  I had stamina and speed, now that I was no longer confined to the mansion. I leaped over one of the mansion’s large stone walls and landed with a graceful, sturdy fall. Embry was right behind, though I could hear him complaining about my impulsive nature and my unpredictable, insufferable need to do things the odd way.

  From the boundaries of our land, I quickly made my way to Aurora’s tree. I had a map there in my heart as if I had always known her neck of the woods.

  Embry followed, his nose working overtime to enjoy her smell and imprint it on his mind. Inside, I was angry and irritated by his brazen interest in my girl. I didn’t say anything, though. I could deal with him after I was sure Aurora was safe. After I told her how sorry I was for leaving her like that, and that I never, ever wanted to make her cry.

  I’m going to make her my mate, my one and only before I let that happen again.

  Not unless I propose to her first, added Embry, catching up with me. It was just as
we reached Aurora’s little clearing.

  We both transformed back instantaneously. “Aurora! It’s me!” I jogged up to her tree, searching for any sign of her. “I wanted to apologize for the way I was earlier!” I waited, listening eagerly for any indication she was here. There was none that I could hear.

  “She’s not here, brother.” Embry turned his head away from the tree, and toward a different part of Love’s Hollow. That part I was only mildly familiar with—the vast, open spaces recently claimed by vineyards and a winery. I approached him, smelling what he did: that Aurora’s sent scurried away from here and made a beeline to that area of town.

  “She’s gone to the winery,” I said. “By the smell of it.”

  That was all I needed, my brother, also. We transformed back into wolves and raced in that direction. What could Aurora want with a winery? Grape fields? As I ran, I imagined her getting drunk on bottles of wine or something, drowning her sorrows and that kind of thing, but I couldn’t honestly picture it. No. I can’t imagine such a sweet person doing such a thing like that.

  There are other werewolves at that winery, genius. Embry bumped me with his shoulder. Whatever she went there for, it must have to do with them. I heard him shudder, his lips pulled back from his fangs. I don’t want to get involved with any of those other pack members, leaving my best and most important customer with them isn’t an option either.

  Whatever. Leave this to the wolf who actually cares about the sprite, I said, and sped ahead.

  Even running at full tilt, it took my brother and me at least ten or fifteen minutes to reach the winery. As we ran, we transformed back into our human forms. There to greet us was a single, solitary female. Her scent told me she was a werewolf, but she was calm, confident somehow, even though we were technically invading her territory.

  “I assume your Tyler,” she said to me. “Aurora’s told me so much about you.” She stared daggers at my brother, before trying a couple on me. “And you must be Embry, the veritable potions master who charged her one-million-dollars.”

  I approached Emma, resisting every temptation I had to put my hands on her. Though they weren’t making themselves visible, I could smell four or five males nearby. Her brothers, by the nuance in their musk, and I wanted to avoid any kind of incident.

  “You know where Aurora is?”

  “We went by her tree,” said Embry. “She wasn’t there.”

  “I do,” said the female werewolf, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “She’s gone to pay off her debt.”

  “Gone?” My heart panicked. “To pay off her debt?” I didn’t like the sound of that. “Where?”

  “To the Black Diamond Club to participate in an auction,” answered the werewolf flatly, pursing her lips. “That’s the only way she can raise such a ridiculous amount of money for you two.”

  I had an idea of where that club was. I hadn’t been there myself, but in a place like Love’s Hollow, it was hard not to hear something about those auctions, no matter how much of a recluse you were.

  “I’m going to go there then and try to set things right with her,” said Embry.

  “I’m going too, jackass,” I said, feeling my temper flare. “I’m going to rescue her from your greedy paws first.”

  “If either of you want to actually show the poor girl you care more about her than your macho bullshit, I suggest you get going to that club and prepare your wallets to spill every last bit of cash you have.” The werewolf squinted at us, daring us to engage in any more pseudo-fighting. “She’s already on her way there. Might even be up on the stage, getting bid on by some other guys by now.” She smiled viciously, poking at my pride. “The more time you waste, the more likely Aurora’s really going to get away from you idiots.”

  “Thank you. Sorry for the trespass,” I said and transformed.

  My brother followed suit, running at an even faster speed to get to the Black Diamond Club. I didn’t like the idea of getting in contact with any of the other magical creatures here—particularly the vampire said to run the club—but it was either that or lose Aurora, and I wasn’t about to do that.

  In another ten or fifteen minutes, when my brother and I were close to the club, we transformed out of wolf form. When we did, I stopped Embry and said, “Do you really feel a connection with her, or are you just going after Aurora because of what she owes you?” I grit my teeth. “I really love her and am prepared to spend whatever money our estate has to get her out of this. What about you?”

  “I have a connection with her, too,” answered Embry. “I can’t explain what or why I’m bonded to her, but I am. Maybe it’s the magic in the potion or the magic of how unique she is. But whatever it is, I’m prepared to fight for that sprite as much if not more than you.” He sighed. “Believe it or not, I’m prepared to spend one-million-dollars or more to make sure she gets in safe hands.”

  As we walked up to the club, I continued, “That means our hands, right?” I looked down at my feet. “If we go against each other, there’s no way we’re going to win. Someone else is going to get her, and we can’t have that.”

  “So, we’ll bet on her together,” agreed Embry, surprising me with his willingness to work with me rather than against. “We’ll pool our resources and make sure that little Aurora finds herself in our company at the end of the night, no one else.”

  We fist-bumped on it, just in time to reach the front doors.

  From the sound of everything, the auction was just about to start.

  Chapter Ten


  The Black Diamond Club was just a swanky and intimidating as I’d heard rumored. As Mary led me inside and let me sit with her in the dressing room as she got ready for work, I wondered what it would be like to get up on that stage tonight. I would auction myself—my virginity—to the highest bidder. While I didn’t like the idea that it might not be my Tyler or even the mysterious Embry, I had to do with what I had. I had to accept the man who ended up winning me for the night.

  I’m here to pay off the debt, after all. Matters of the heart will have to come after.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” said Mary as she put on her nylons—beautiful, black and white lacy darlings—and pulled them all the way up her smooth thighs, “but I asked Sylvan and Jorin to come here and meet you. They will get to know you a little bit before the auction starts since I’m going to have to be at work serving and busing tables here pretty quickly.”

  Jorin was the vampire, nearly three-hundred years old, she’d told me on the way over. While I was a bit nervous about meeting such an ancient and powerful person in Love’s Hollow, he was the key to my salvation. Sylvan, too, as apparently, the vampire’s human lover often took it upon himself to look after the girls participating in the auction and make sure they were treated well by their buyers.

  “I don’t mind,” I said, as Mary straightened up from putting on her nylons, and went to slipping on her multi-layered skirt, apron and dress shirt with the club’s logo stitched into it. “I don’t really have another choice, anyway.”

  “You don’t,” answered Mary, slipping her feet into some shiny, black heels. “So, it’s good you’re so accepting of your situation. It will get you in the mood to accept bids when they come.”

  Right as her other foot slipped into the shoes, there was a knock at the door. She went to it and opened it, revealing two male figures. One was clearly older. I could feel it in the amount of presence his body carried. The other I sensed as human, but no less gravitational in his pull. His eyes met mine first. A warm, intrigued smile followed.

  “You must be Aurora,” he said. “I’m Sylvan. I will be making sure you get through the auction tonight.”

  The other male figure came up, playing with his finely-manicured nails. But, as he approached, he quickly lost interest in his own manicure and studied me—particularly my tiny, gossamer wings. That was the only part of me that hadn’t changed with the potion.

  Jorin smiled. “Aurora. A sprite
indeed. A brave one at that, for being willing to take a potion without knowing what exactly what would happen.” He had a dark, smoky humor to his voice. “When I first heard that such a thing had happened, I thought someone was pulling my leg.” He came close to touching my wings but didn’t. “Fascinating. And all my three-hundred years, I’ve never seen anything like this. You will definitely be a draw for some big bids tonight, my girl.”

  Sylvan came up beside Jorin, frowning. “It’s a shame we didn’t know sooner, love. Otherwise, I would have made a bigger deal out of tonight’s festivities. Played them up more and gotten even more of a special atmosphere created for just this auction. For Aurora, but alas…it’s too late now.”

  Jorin pecked his lover on the cheek. “Not too big of a deal, sweetheart.” He smiled at me next. “I’ll take it upon myself to dress up this sprite, now that she has a lot of big, voluptuous surface area to work with.”

  I blushed, enjoying the attention his eyes were giving me, even though I knew he didn’t swing my way. When I was tiny, I didn’t get the attention of anyone bigger than me, and now this vampire had only eyes for me, my body, and what he was going to do with it in advance of the auction.

  “Aside from my work and the wardrobe, you will need to think about what you want to put on offer tonight, my girl,” continued Jorin. “Have you already thought about it?”

  I blushed then nodded.

  My virginity. I hate to give it out on stage when I don’t think there’s any way Tyler or Embry would ever involve themselves in something so busy and flashy as an auction. But it’s the most valuable thing I have. It’s the one thing I can be reasonably sure someone might pay one-million-dollars for.

  Oblivious to my thoughts, Jorin clapped his hands. “Good!” He shooed both his lover and Mary out of her dressing room. “You’ve got tables to start seating, and you, my dear,” he added, kissing Sylvan on the mouth, “you have other girls to round up and announcements to be made before the start of the auction.”